Rule #1: In life, create more than you consume. On social media, only create, do not consume.
Rule #2: When you consume, do it 50 years+ into the past — food, music, clothes, shows, etc
Rule #3: When you create, think 50 years+ into the future and act in the now.
Rule #4: Interact with those who think different to you every week. Different rivers, same sea.
Rule #5: Experience a different place — its food, sounds, smells, objects — every month
Rule #6: Every morning, write down and understand your fears. Every day, hunt them.
Rule #7: Right now, unsubscribe from all sources you agree with, especially the popular ones
Rule #8: Learn a new skill, start this month.
Rule #9: Do not choose from a menu or feed of any kind, ask for what you want.
Rule #10: Your rate of change is an asymptote towards your singularity. Do not label yourself!
We understand the thermodynamics, inputs and outputs of a bioreactor and other systems —Do we understand the dynamics of the mind in the unit of ideas?
Today’s social media seems like the combination of centuries of evolution from writing in caves, to the camera, the telephone and the computer in its many different shapes — What will billions of years of biological evolution output as this century’s new drug?
Social media is a kind of biohacking. It’s just relatively less invasive, compared to methods made from biological parts, like enzymes or cells.
Right now, idea generation is stochastic to say the least. Will these new biological tools be the ones that allow us to engineer (with) the mind as a machine?
Wouldn’t it be ironic if we arrived at a seemingly general type of artificial intelligence, only to contemplate it create its most powerful tool: the human mind?
The first law of thermodynamics states that matter cannot be destroyed nor created, only transformed. Does the mind operate under different principles having ideas as a currency? What about value? Can we create more value than we consume? — How does imagination work?
To think different means to be in a constant state of change. Because you’re not comparing yourself to others but to your past self, nouns and crowds are your worst enemies. This doesn’t mean that you must be a lonely nobody. It means that you should adopt the mentality of a space-time traveler.
The first way to achieve this is to interact with people who lived in a different era and place. You want to form a community or partnership with individuals who’ve been traveling across different rivers towards a common sea: to create and think different. The joy is in evolving together.
The second one you already know. You are what you practice. Therefore, you must seek a different medium to think different. While 21st century social media makes it easier to think alike — what some call globalization — it is important to ask what medium will optimize for singular thinking.